I've embarked on countless adventures,
from trekking through the mountains of Vietnam to brushing shoulders with Manta Rays in Indonesia. My passion for travel kickstarted as soon as I could go off on my own. I turned 18, took a solo trip to Thailand for 3 weeks and believe that this was truly the beginning of it all, hitting me harder than when I realised I was in love with Edward Cullen…❤️
This love goes beyond ticking off destinations on a map,
It’s about immersing myself in different cultures, eating ridiculously delicious local foods and connecting with people from all different walks of life. Since my first adventure, I’ve travelled South East Asia, Europe and seen beauty in all corners of The Uk. Apparently that’s not enough, so here I am again, ready to go on another adventure. 🌎
This website is for me to share tips that I’ve learnt along the way,
locations that I will never gate-keep and to tell stories of the reality of extended travel. Whether you’ve accidentally taken the wrong turn, been a victim of my click baiting or you’ve chosen to be here, welcome. 👋🏻